As you can see in your Study Plan and in our Study Manifestos, Extra Activities has a value of 6 credits (CFU).
All the following activities can be recognized as Extra ones:
- Language certificates:
University Language Center (CLA) and CLICI.
The first one will be automatically recognized by our offices and it’ll be showed in your Delphi profile. The second one requires an extra step: to register your CLICI certificate you must send an e-mail to with the object “Extra Activity CLICI Course” and indicate your name, surname and matricula and attaching the certification . The validation will be sent at the beginnig and middle of the month, so be patient and wait to see them into your registered exams.
The EBTL Language Courses can be considered as Extra Activity. The procedure remain the same to request the validation to the Course;
- Internship, stages and self-employment:
all instruction can be found at Internship&Stage page. You can choose this activity extending your mandatory Internship activity. In this case you’ll double your credits (6+6) and hours (150+150) and you can choose to continue the activity in the same structure/enterprise or choosing a new one for this second period;
- Workshops:
regarding this activity, our Course is not equipped directly yet, but we are working on it for the next years. The students will be able to look for them in our entire University according with all Study Manifestos (to search the whole list, select the Faculty you wanna check and filter by “workshop”);
- Group works, activities, conferences…:
you might attend a course, workshop, activity in general coordinated by a professor of our Course. It must be attended before your graduation and requires approval by the responsable professor and the Coordinator of the Master of Arts Degree.
- Note(1): ALL WORKSHOPS MUST BE taught in english or can’t be chosen and validated.
- Note(2): the validation of our Extra Activities can takes a long time, so don’t worry if you wont see it in your Delphi profile.
- Note(3): nothing will appear in your Study Plan until you compile and send for approval for a new one.
- Note(4): Extra Activities has no scores. They’ll be registered into the Delphi as “eligible“.