Student representatives UPDATEDS

Dear students,

we inform you that an application has arrived from an international student for the role of student representative.
It is strongly hoped that at least one other application will be received by the deadline of March 11, with a view to a better representation of the various problems that may concern the course, preferably from an Italian student.

Roman Archeology Issue

Dear students,

the Roman Archeology course was scheduled for the second semester, but an unexpected problem arose due to the teacher’s sudden unavailability. Since the course cannot be reactivated soon, all students who have included it in their study plan are advised to replace it with another subject. It is possible of course to choose another exam within the framework of “HISTORY, ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT DISCIPLINES”. If, on the other hand, it was chosen in the “Optional chosen by the student” framework, it can be replaced with any other elective course. We remind you that in a related discipline, the Course of Prof. Alessio De Cristofaro, Archeology of the Roman Empire, begins as scheduled, which for the Master’s Degree Course in “Tourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy” is called ” History of classical archeology: Collections, Museums and Conservation of Cultural Heritage”.

Those who find themselves in this situation and need to recompile their study plan can send an e-mail to with the subject “Replacement Roman Archaeology”.

Open Lesson – 1 year of conflict

On the anniversary of the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, a lesson open to all students and teachers will be held in room T12A, Building A, Humanity Faculty, on Friday 24th of February, 11:00 a.m.

The lesson will mainly deal with the topic from the point of view of International Law.

It will be held by Prof. Federica Mucci and will be mainly in Italian.

Student Representatives Elections – Elezioni Rappresentanti Studenti

The Course Coordinator informs that the elections for student representatives have been called according to the procedures described below, and hopes that both Italian and foreign students will present applications.

To vote, all students will receive communications directly from the University Electoral Office.

Il Coordinatore del Corso informa che sono indette le elezioni dei rappresentanti degli studenti secondo le modalitĂ  descritte qui di seguito, ed auspica la presentazione di candidature sia da parte di studenti italiani sia da parte di studenti stranieri.

Per votare, a tutti gli studenti arriveranno comunicazioni direttamente dall’Ufficio Elettorale di Ateneo.


in “TOURISM STRATEGY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND MADE IN ITALY”The elections of 2 student representatives for the Master’s Degree Course Council in “Tourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy” have been announced.
Voting operations will take place electronically in the first round on 21 March 2023 from 1:00 am to 23:59pm, and in the second round, in the event of failure to reach the quorum, on 27 April 2023 from 1:00 am to 23:59pm.
The active electorate belongs to all students who are up-to-date with enrollment in the Degree Course in “Tourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy”.
The passive electorate belongs to student candidates who are up-to-date with the payment of fees at the time of submitting the application and who have not passed the first year out of course.

Applications must be submitted to the Coordinator of the Degree Course, Prof. Federica Mucci, by e-mail at all these addresses:, and (in cc: by 12:00 am on 12 March 2023, by means of a declaration signed by the candidate with attached printout of their student page on Delphi, including NAME, SURNAME, MATRICULA, E-MAIL and FISCAL CODE.

Only one preference can be expressed. Preferences referring to subjects that do not appear in the manifesto render the vote void. In cases of homonymy among the candidates, it will be the voter’s responsibility to indicate the date of birth of the chosen one.
The electronic voting methods will be disclosed in a subsequent manifesto.

in “TOURISM STRATEGY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND MADE IN ITALY”Sono indette le elezioni di 2 rappresentanti degli studenti nel Consiglio di Corso di Laurea Magistrale in “Tourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy”.
Le operazioni di voto in modalitĂ  telematica avranno luogo in prima tornata nel giorno 21 marzo 2023 dalle ore 1:00 alle ore 23:59, e in seconda tornata, in caso di mancato raggiungimento del quorum, il giorno 27 aprile 2023 dalle ore 1:00 alle ore 23:59.
L’elettorato attivo spetta a tutti gli studenti che, in base agli elenchi degli aventi diritto al voto ovvero alla documentazione bancaria o all’attestazione della Segreteria studenti, risultino in regola al momento della votazione con l’iscrizione al Corso di Laurea in “Tourism Strategy, Cultural Heritage and Made in Italy”.
L’elettorato passivo spetta agli studenti candidati in regola con il pagamento delle tasse al momento della presentazione della candidatura e che non abbiano superato il primo anno fuori corso.

Le candidature vanno presentate alla coordinatrice del Corso di Laurea, prof.ssa Federica Mucci, via e-mail, agli indirizzi, e (in cc: entro le ore 12:00 del 12 marzo 2023, mediante dichiarazione sottoscritta dal/la candidato/a con allegata stampa della propria pagina studente su Delphi. Dovranno essere indicati NOME, COGNOME, MATRICOLA, E-MAIL, CODICE FISCALE.

È possibile esprimere una sola preferenza. Le preferenze riferite a soggetti che non figurino nel manifesto rendono nullo il voto. Nei casi di omonimia tra i candidati, sarà cura dell’elettore indicare la data di nascita del prescelto.
Le modalitĂ  di voto telematico verranno rese note con successivo manifesto.


Schools of Law, Economics, Engineering, Humanities, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, and Medicine and Surgery

Tor Vergata University of Rome


On March 8, 2023, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. (CEST time) and from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. (CEST time), Tor Vergata University of Rome is pleased to invite you to the International Open Day, the event dedicated to the presentation of the English-taught degree courses offered by the Schools of Law, Economics, Engineering, Humanities, Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, and Medicine and Surgery.

On this occasion, you will also learn about the specific requirements for admission to the above courses, tuition fees and scholarships, accommodation and how to enjoy your life in Rome. You can take a Virtual Tour of our University and learn about all the opportunities our community offers to each student. This will help you decide on your future at Tor Vergata University of Rome.

Click here to register for the International Open Day. You will then receive an email with a link to access the event platform In the meantime, watch the videos and download the brochure.


Tor Vergata University of Rome is waiting for you!

Tor Vergata University of Rome



Call for the Universal Civil Service

The Universal Civil Service offers young people between the ages of 18 and 28 the opportunity to dedicate a year of their life to the service of their community.

It has a duration of 12 months (about 25 hours a week) and a net refund of 444.30 euros per month. As part of this call, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” offers the opportunity for 16 volunteers to have a qualifying experience at the University through two projects: “A world of young people” and “Welcome”.

IMPORTANT: the interview and all training and service activities will be held in Italian. Therefore, even minimal knowledge of the Italian language is required.

It will be possible to apply for participation in one of the projects that will take place between 2023 and 2024 until 2.00 pm on Friday 10 February 2023.

Before applying for a project, readcarefully:

  • The announcement;
  • The guide for the compilation and thesubmission of the On Line Application with the DOL Version platform Call 2022;
  • Selection criteria The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in collaboration with the network “Le vie della Nonviolenza”, made up of representatives and volunteer operators of the civil service bodies of Acque Correnti, Anci Lazio, Archivio Disarmo, Caritas Rome, CESC Project (Tor Vergata University), CSV Lazio, Movimento Nonviolento and UILDM Lazio ONLUS, promote an information day on the Universal Civil Service in Italy and abroad.

The information day will take place on 26 JANUARY 2023, in the TL ROOM of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Via Columbia n.2, building A) and is divided into two meetings:

  • First meeting from 10:00 to 12:00 dedicated to the presentation of civil service projects in Rome and in the Lazio Region (including projects at the University of Tor Vergata);
  • Second meeting from 15:00 to 17:00 dedicated to the presentation of civil service projects abroad.

You can choose to participate in one of the two meetings or both.

To partecipate, you must be registered by January 25, 2023 at the following link: 

For information:

  • or
  • Whatsapp: 00393516881486

From 9 January 2023 the Civil Service Information Desk 2023 is active at the Welcome Office: via Krakow 50, building C, floor 1 (Rectorate) from 9.00 to 14.00

For all the details: