Call for the Universal Civil Service

The Universal Civil Service offers young people between the ages of 18 and 28 the opportunity to dedicate a year of their life to the service of their community.

It has a duration of 12 months (about 25 hours a week) and a net refund of 444.30 euros per month. As part of this call, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” offers the opportunity for 16 volunteers to have a qualifying experience at the University through two projects: “A world of young people” and “Welcome”.

IMPORTANT: the interview and all training and service activities will be held in Italian. Therefore, even minimal knowledge of the Italian language is required.

It will be possible to apply for participation in one of the projects that will take place between 2023 and 2024 until 2.00 pm on Friday 10 February 2023.

Before applying for a project, readcarefully:

  • The announcement;
  • The guide for the compilation and thesubmission of the On Line Application with the DOL Version platform Call 2022;
  • Selection criteria The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in collaboration with the network “Le vie della Nonviolenza”, made up of representatives and volunteer operators of the civil service bodies of Acque Correnti, Anci Lazio, Archivio Disarmo, Caritas Rome, CESC Project (Tor Vergata University), CSV Lazio, Movimento Nonviolento and UILDM Lazio ONLUS, promote an information day on the Universal Civil Service in Italy and abroad.

The information day will take place on 26 JANUARY 2023, in the TL ROOM of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Via Columbia n.2, building A) and is divided into two meetings:

  • First meeting from 10:00 to 12:00 dedicated to the presentation of civil service projects in Rome and in the Lazio Region (including projects at the University of Tor Vergata);
  • Second meeting from 15:00 to 17:00 dedicated to the presentation of civil service projects abroad.

You can choose to participate in one of the two meetings or both.

To partecipate, you must be registered by January 25, 2023 at the following link: 

For information:

  • or
  • Whatsapp: 00393516881486

From 9 January 2023 the Civil Service Information Desk 2023 is active at the Welcome Office: via Krakow 50, building C, floor 1 (Rectorate) from 9.00 to 14.00

For all the details:

Classrooms updates

Dear students,

below you will find the updated situation, which will have already been communicated to you by the teachers themselves, with reference to the new classrooms for the teachings of:

November 21 15:00-17:00 Auditorium Morricone (Faculty of ​​Hmanities)
November 23 17:00-19:00 Room 1 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
November 28 15:00-17:00 Auditorium Morricone (Faculty of ​​Hmanities)
November 30 17:00-19:00 Room 1 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
December 5 15:00-1700 Auditorium Morricone (Faculty of ​​Hmanities)
December 7 15:00-17:00 Room P3 (Faculty of ​​Hmanities)
December 12 NO LESSON
December 14 17:00-19:00 Room 1 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)

November 22nd from 08.00 to 09.00 Room C2 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
23 November from 08.00 to 10.00 Room A1 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
29 November from 08.00 to 10.00 Auditorium Morricone (Faculty of ​​Hmanities)
30 November from 08.00 to 10.00 Auditorium Morricone (Faculty of ​​Hmanities)

Monday 28 from 17:00 to 19:00 Room 3 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
Thursday 1 from 16:00 to 19:00 Room C6 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
Monday 5 from 17:00 to 19:00 Room 3 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
Monday 12 from 17:00 to 19:00 Room 3 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
Thursday 15 from 16:00 to 19:00 Room C6 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
Monday 19 from 17:00 to 19:00 Room 3 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)
Thursday 22 from 16:00 to 19:00 Room C6 (Faculty of ​​Engineering)

Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeship: Call for Applications 2022/23

Call for Applications 2022/23 Erasmus+! Check information!

The event is open to all interested students and will be held on Thursday 3 November from 13:00 to 16:00 in classroom T12B at the Humanities Faculty.

During the meeting, the Erasmus traineeship program and the Call for Participation will be presented. Dr. Andrea Fonsmorti, International Director – Sales, Recruitment & Technology solutions – RED. Group – Europe division -RED. Recruitment & Human Services Ltd., will be online from Budapest, so the students can have direct information on how to approach a company in the application phase.

IMPORTANT UPDATES Marketing and communication elements for italian tourism market

IMPORTANT NOTICE to All the Students (please share it).

Unfortunately, due to an accident with a fracture, my lessons will not start on October 17th as planned.

I will keep you updated on when they’ll leave. Certainly not in the week of October 17th, hopefully the following week.

But it depends on how my recovery will go. In any case I will confirm it on my channel on “teams”.

I remind all the students that, after the course, I put at their disposal some orienteering sessions on teams to help them to performe well for the exam.

Sorry: Francesco Granese