Housing project for studentes!

A project to help Tor Vergata’s students community with housing solutions.

In response to the urgent housing needs of our student community, Tor Vergata University of Rome has launched an initiative called “Together We Are Better”.

Grounded in our core values of inclusion, integration, and internationalization, this effort aims to strengthen the bonds between our University and the local community. Through this project, we are fostering meaningful connections between those willing to open their homes to students and those seeking housing solutions.

CHECK IT OUT the guidelines

18 of October Welcome office – Welcome day

From our Welcome Office, a friendly reminder


Dear student,

Congratulation for the admission in Tor Vergata University of Rome!

The Welcome Office is glad to welcome all of you new students: we can answer general questions, help you through the enrollment, offer support if
you’re having difficulties and give information about services and opportunities at Tor Vergata University.

The meeting is scheduled on 18 of October from 11.30 to 12.30 at the Rectorate (Via Cracovia 50) Building B, floor 0. Aula informatica

In order to participate please register here: https://forms.office.com/e/SS2MQaspeg

Please find in attachment the Welcome Guide

Thank you very much!

Best regards


Erasmus Day – 12 October

Dear All,

We would like to invite you to the #ErasmusDays 2023 that we are organizing on October 12, 2023 from 04.00 to 10.00 p.m.!

The afternoon will be dedicated to students, teachers and staff who will share their Erasmus+ experiences. During the event we will introduce the new


“A coffee with …”, a monthly talk organized by the Welcome Office


with the national and international university community.

We will talk about: “How Erasmus can open up opportunities towards an international career” with LUCA BERTALOT.

Luca was a student of Tor Vergata University, now he is Secretary General of the European Mortgage Federation – European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC).

The event will take place at CX Rome Student Place


The day will close with aperitif and music

In order to participate please register here: https://forms.office.com/e/kex0xkAaRi

(You can fill in the form with the credentials Office365 (the same of Microsoft Teams .eu). In order to activate and install Office 365 please
read here: https://web.uniroma2.it/en/contenuto/how-to-activate-and-install-office-365)

For more information and for download the program:


Thank you