
The final exam also consists of an individual discussion, in English, of the project presented by the student for this purpose and written in English.
The Evaluation Committee for the final test is composed of seven professors and is appointed by the Director of the Department, upon proposal of the Coordinator of the Course, according to the Course Regulations (Art. 11-Final exam).

Important!: don’t you write your thesis before choosing the Relator. In fact, first of all, you must talk with your Relator, choosing an argument, and working on it, following its guidelines. Remember also that you can ask a thesis only to professor whom you already done an exam.

Hey! Don’t you know how to start?
Check this brief guide to: How to write your Thesis!!!

The credits attributed to the final examination are 18CFU, out of the total of 120 CFU issued by the Course.

The parameters for the evaluation of the final exam will take into consideration:

– Knowledge of the bibliography relevant to the topic of the thesis;
– The clear definition of the objectives that the work intends to achieve;
– Knowledge of the applied survey methodology, consistent with the objectives;
– The feasibility of the project;
– The potential effects foreseen within the context to which the project is aimed, in cultural, social and territorial terms.

You’ll find a scheduled list of meeting with professors that’ll help you to prepare your thesis. Check it out here 

Note: To define the final grade, the thesis work and the discussion can give the student from 0 to 5 points, decided by the commission. Additional 1 or 2 points over the maximum of 5 can be assigned, in special cases, at the request of the Relator and/or Co-Relator and must be approved by the committee.

Fast tip: when you are compiling your Almalaura form, if you can’t find your course in the database “Tourism”, you can also write it manually as keyword and it’ll be lately verificated and validated by our secretariat department.

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