21st of May 2023



In 2001, UNESCO adopted the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity and in December 2002, the UN General Assembly, in its resolution 57/249, declared May 21 to be the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, affirming culture’s contribution to the three dimensions of sustainable development, acknowledging further the natural and cultural diversity of the world, and recognizing that cultures and civilizations can contribute to, and are crucial enablers of, sustainable development.

The Single Guarantee Committee and the Welcome Office of Tor Vergata University of Rome, in order to celebrate this valuable and important day properly, are proposing to realize an online project. But we need your collaboration to make this beautiful day enjoyable while appreciating the cultural diversity surrounding us.



We would like to invite Tor Vergata students to propose an artist or an important artwork from their land of origin, one that they can introduce through a personal interview to the artist or to a person strictly connected to the artwork; the recorded interviews and the artistic elements will be presented in an event at the University on May 19th. This event would be an opportunity for all of us to appreciate all the colors of cultural diversity in unique personal stories/experiences. The format and the schedule of the event will be furtherly defined according to the number and kind of proposals received.



Kinds of cultural elements and creative arts fields

The person to be interviewed has to be directly connected to the artwork (ie, the director or a keeper in a museum) or a publicly recognized artist in creative fields, such as: painting, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, performing and cinema. Hybrid and/or other artistic fields not mentioned in this list will also be welcome.

To propose an artist or an artwork and the person directly connected to it send an email to with object “WDCD proposal”, specifying your name, the name of the artist/artwork and the State or Region of reference of the artist /artwork.

Deadline: 15th of April 2023



Coordinators: Prof. Federica Mucci –; Prof. Alessandro Cosentino –

For more information: Dr. Tiziano Gasbarro –



21 MAGGIO 2023



Nel 2001 l’UNESCO ha adottato la Dichiarazione Universale sulla Diversità Culturale e nel dicembre 2002 l’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, nella Risoluzione 57/249, ha dichiarato il 21 maggio quale Giornata mondiale per la diversità culturale per il dialogo e lo sviluppo, affermando che la cultura contribuisce alle tre dimensioni dello sviluppo sostenibile, ribadendo l’importanza della diversità naturale e culturale del mondo e riconoscendo che le diverse culture e civiltà possono contribuire allo sviluppo sostenibile e ne sono condizioni essenziali.

Il Comitato Unico di Garanzia e l’Ufficio Accoglienza studenti dell’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, per celebrare questa preziosa ed importante giornata, propongono di realizzare un progetto online. Ma abbiamo bisogno della vostra collaborazione per far sì che in questa bella giornata, si possa piacevolmente apprezzare la diversità culturale che abbiamo intorno a noi.



Vorremmo invitare gli studenti di “Tor Vergata” a proporre un artista o un’importante opera d’arte della loro terra di origine, che possano presentare mediante un’intervista personale all’artista stesso o a una persona strettamente collegata all’opera d’arte; le interviste registrate e gli elementi artistici verranno presentati in un evento che si terrà in Università il 19 maggio. Questo evento potrà essere un’opportunità per tutti noi per apprezzare i colori della diversità culturale attraverso storie/esperienze personali uniche. Il format e il programma dell’evento saranno ulteriormente definiti in linea con il numero e le tipologie di proposte che perverranno.



Tipi di beni artistici e settori delle arti creative

La persona da intervistare deve essere direttamente collegata all’opera d’arte (ad es., il direttore o un custode del museo dove è conservata) o un artista pubblicamente riconosciuto in settori creativi quali la pittura, l’architettura, la scultura, la letteratura, la musica, le arti dello spettacolo e il cinema. Altri settori artistici ibridi o non menzionati in questo elenco saranno altresì presi in considerazione.

Per proporre un artista o un’opera d’arte e la persona ad essa direttamente collegata, si può inviare una e-mail a con oggetto “WDCD proposal”, specificando il proprio nome, il nome dell’artista/opera d’arte e lo Stato o la Regione di riferimento dell’artista/opera d’arte.

Scadenza: 15 aprile 2023



Referenti dell’iniziativa: Prof.ssa Federica Mucci –; Prof. Alessandro Cosentino –

Per maggiori informazioni: Dr. Tiziano Gasbarro –

Get Ready to Work – LavoropiĂš

Get Ready to Work


Quattro incontri con i recruiter di LavoropiĂš per preparare al meglio il tuo ingresso nel mondo del lavoro.

Online su Microsoft Teams, ore 14-15

  • 15 marzo, Analisi SWOT dell’annuncio
  • 5 aprile, Nella testa del recruiter
  • 19 aprile, Networking e Personal Branding
  • Live
  • 4 maggio, Incontra il recruiter (simulazione di colloquio e CV check)

Iscriviti all’incontro del 15 marzo:

Riceverai subito il link per partecipare all’evento.

Orientation meeting on the Erasmus 2023-2024 – Friday 17 March from 10.30 pm

The Coordinator, prof. Federica Mucci, will be present at the orientation meeting.


Dear Students,

You are invited to attend the orientation meeting on the Erasmus 2023-2024 call for proposals, which will take place on Friday 17 March from 10.30 pm.

The meeting will be held in presence in classroom T12A

N.B.: Those who did not pass the filter index are also invited to attend the orientation meeting.

Please find attached the provisional ranking list. Changes/corrections can be made to it if they are reported by Friday 17 March.

Please note that the final ranking will be available at the following link from Monday 20 March:

The final scholarship assignments will be made in the following order.

20/03/2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for students of the following degree courses: Scienze del Turismo, PROGEST, Tourism Strategy;

20/03/2023 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for students of the “mixed” degree courses: Art History in Rome, Beni Culturali, Corlib, Lefiling, Lettere, Licus, Musica e Spettacolo, Storia dell’Arte;

21/03/2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for students of the following degree courses: Scienze della Comunicazione, Editoria;

21/03/2023 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for students of the following degree programmes: Scienze Pedagogiche, Scienze della Formazione;

21/03/2023 from 12:45 to 13:15 for students of the following degree programmes: Filosofia, Filosofia LM;

21/03/2023 from 14:30 to 16:30 for students of the following degree programmes: LLEM, LINFO, LLEA (French/English/Polish/Spanish/German area);

22/03/2023 from 2.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. for students of the following courses: Storia e Scienze del documento Lm Master European History

22/03/2023 from 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. for PhD students

The participation of all students in the rankings is recommended.

Those who are unable to attend must reply to this email with the indication of the delegated person.

Those who intend to withdraw from the assignment meeting must reply to this e-mail in the days preceding the meeting, explaining their wish to do so (withdrawal in this case will not result in any penalty).

Those who do not give any communication will be considered to have withdrawn.

Those who participate are not required to confirm that they have received this email.

The link to be accepted into the group on Microsoft Teams, where the online meeting will take place:

Kind regards,

– – – –

Cari Studenti,

Siete invitati a partecipare alla riunione di orientamento relativa al Bando Erasmus 2023-2024, che avrà luogo il giorno venerdÏ 17 marzo dalle ore 10.30.

L’incontro si terrĂ  in presenza in Aula T12A

N.B.: Anche coloro che non hanno superato l’indice filtro sono invitati a partecipare alla riunione di orientamento.

In allegato trovate la graduatoria provvisoria. Ad essa portranno essere apportate modifiche/correzioni qualora venissero segnalate entro il giorno venerdĂŹ 17 marzo.

Vi avviso che la graduatoria definitiva sarĂ  disponibile al seguente link dal giorno 20 marzo:

Vi comunico, inoltre, che le assegnazioni definitive delle borse sono fissate secondo l’ordine di seguito riportato.

20/03/2023 dalle ore 10:30 alle 12:30 per gli studenti dei CdL:Scienze del Turismo, PROGEST, Tourism Strategy;

20/03/2023  dalle 14:30 alle 16:30 per gli studenti dei CdL “misti”:- Art History in Rome,  Beni Culturali,Corlib, Lefiling,  Lettere,Licus, Musica e Spettacolo, Storia dell’Arte ;

21/03/2023 dalle ore 10:00 alle 11:30 per gli studenti dei CdL: Scienze della Comunicazione, Editoria;

21/03/2023 dalle ore 11:45 alle 12:15  per gli studenti dei CdL: Scienze Pedagogiche, Scienze della Formazione;

21/03/2023 dalle ore 12:45 alle 13:15  per gli studenti dei CdL: Filosofia, FIlosofia LM;

21/03/2023 dalle ore 14.30  alle 16:30 per gli studenti dei CdL: LLEM, LINFO, LLEA (area francese/inglese/polacco/spagnolo/tedesco);

22/03/2023 dalle ore 14.30  alle 15:00 per gli studenti dei CdL: Storia e scienze del documento Lm Master European History

22/03/2023 dalle ore 15.30  alle 16.30 per i Dottorati

E’ raccomandata la partecipazione di tutti gli studenti inseriti in graduatoria.

Coloro che fossero impossibilitati a partecipare dovranno rispondere a questa mail inviando l’indicazione della persona delegata.

Coloro che intendono rinunciare all’ incontro di assegnazione  dovranno rispondere a questa mail nei giorni precedenti esplicitando la loro volontĂ  (la rinuncia in questo caso non determina alcuna penalizzazione).

Coloro che non daranno alcuna comunicazione saranno considerati rinunciatari.

Coloro che parteciperanno non sono tenuti a dare conferma di ricezione della email.

Il link per essere accettati nel gruppo su Microsoft Teams, dove si terrĂ  la riunione online:

Cordiali saluti,


Giuseppina Grimaldi.

OPEN CALL – ESTour project

Epidemic Safe Tourism (post-COVID recovery) to strengthen SMEs in the Hospitality Sector




“Epidemic Safe Tourism (post-COVID recovery) to strengthen SMEs in the Hospitality Sector” (acronym: ESTour) is a transnational cooperation project supported by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027. The project is coordinated by the Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW); the University of Rome Tor Vergata – Scuola IaD is one of the partners.

ESTour aims at defining the qualification profile of a new expert professional figure in the touristic sector, dealing with prevention measures, safety protocols, and recovery actions.

With the present open call, the Scuola IaD intends to select one (1) student who is interested in the addressed topics and accepts to participate in the planned activities as a master trainer. The selected candidate:

  1. Will participate in the transnational training programme that will be held in Larissa (Greece) from 10 to 13 July 2023, to become a “master trainer” with specific expertise and knowledge on the project’s topics. The working language will be English.
  2. In this capacity, after the training course, the selected candidate will be based in Rome where s/he will train at least five (5) other trainers, between the months of July and September 2023.
  3. Will participate in local activities for validating the ESTour expert curriculum, between the months of September and December 2023.

The selected candidate will carry out the assigned tasks in Rome. The participation in the training course in Larissa (Greece) is mandatory; the project grant will cover the costs for travel, food and accommodation.

For the proposed tasks, the candidate will receive a certificate of participation. No remuneration is foreseen.

To apply for this call, candidates must send their curriculum vitae et studiorum in English (Europass format) and a letter of presentation and motivation, explaining their academic background, research and professional interests, interest in the project’s topics. The CV and the letter must be sent as pdf documents. As a prerequisite, candidates must prove a good knowledge of English, B2 at least, possibly certified by third parties.

The selection criteria will consider:

  • Coherence of the candidate’s course of study with the ESTour topics (weight: 30%)
  • Certified knowledge of English (30%)
  • Declared experience (e.g. internships, work experiences, voluntary activities) in the tourist sector in Italy and abroad (20%)
  • Motivation to join the project activities (20%).

Applications must be submitted by email to prof. Andrea Volterrani: by March 21st at 17:00 (CET).

All eligible candidates will be contacted for an interview (online by Zoom) to be scheduled in the following two weeks. The selection will be finalised by April 14th. The selected candidate will be informed by email.

The University of Rome Tor Vergata strives to offer equal opportunities and access to all candidates regardless of their race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a minority, birth, disability, age, sexual identity or any other characteristic. The selection procedures are designed to be clear, transparent and accessible to all candidates. The goal is to provide them with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their competencies and skills by identifying and removing blocking factors, possible biases and risks of discrimination.

For more information on the ESTour project, consult the dedicated web page

Event and meeting – FARETURISMO

Dear student,

during the FARETURISMO event, which will take place from 21 to 23 March 2023 at the Europa University of Rome, there will be interview and recruitment days for numerous companies in the tourism sector.
For students who are interested, we indicate the sections specifically:

You can self-translate all the website using your browser.