OPEN CALL – ESTour project

Epidemic Safe Tourism (post-COVID recovery) to strengthen SMEs in the Hospitality Sector




Epidemic Safe Tourism (post-COVID recovery) to strengthen SMEs in the Hospitality Sector” (acronym: ESTour) is a transnational cooperation project supported by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027. The project is coordinated by the Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW); the University of Rome Tor Vergata – Scuola IaD is one of the partners.

ESTour aims at defining the qualification profile of a new expert professional figure in the touristic sector, dealing with prevention measures, safety protocols, and recovery actions.

With the present open call, the Scuola IaD intends to select one (1) student who is interested in the addressed topics and accepts to participate in the planned activities as a master trainer. The selected candidate:

  1. Will participate in the transnational training programme that will be held in Larissa (Greece) from 10 to 13 July 2023, to become a “master trainer” with specific expertise and knowledge on the project’s topics. The working language will be English.
  2. In this capacity, after the training course, the selected candidate will be based in Rome where s/he will train at least five (5) other trainers, between the months of July and September 2023.
  3. Will participate in local activities for validating the ESTour expert curriculum, between the months of September and December 2023.

The selected candidate will carry out the assigned tasks in Rome. The participation in the training course in Larissa (Greece) is mandatory; the project grant will cover the costs for travel, food and accommodation.

For the proposed tasks, the candidate will receive a certificate of participation. No remuneration is foreseen.

To apply for this call, candidates must send their curriculum vitae et studiorum in English (Europass format) and a letter of presentation and motivation, explaining their academic background, research and professional interests, interest in the project’s topics. The CV and the letter must be sent as pdf documents. As a prerequisite, candidates must prove a good knowledge of English, B2 at least, possibly certified by third parties.

The selection criteria will consider:

  • Coherence of the candidate’s course of study with the ESTour topics (weight: 30%)
  • Certified knowledge of English (30%)
  • Declared experience (e.g. internships, work experiences, voluntary activities) in the tourist sector in Italy and abroad (20%)
  • Motivation to join the project activities (20%).

Applications must be submitted by email to prof. Andrea Volterrani: by March 21st at 17:00 (CET).

All eligible candidates will be contacted for an interview (online by Zoom) to be scheduled in the following two weeks. The selection will be finalised by April 14th. The selected candidate will be informed by email.

The University of Rome Tor Vergata strives to offer equal opportunities and access to all candidates regardless of their race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a minority, birth, disability, age, sexual identity or any other characteristic. The selection procedures are designed to be clear, transparent and accessible to all candidates. The goal is to provide them with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their competencies and skills by identifying and removing blocking factors, possible biases and risks of discrimination.

For more information on the ESTour project, consult the dedicated web page

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